128 million TL-worth Bellona-6 Bed and Chair Factory by Erciyes Anadolu Holding started production


128 million TL-worth Bellona-6 Bed and Chair Factory by Erciyes Anadolu Holding started production

128 million TL-worth Bellona-6 Bed and Chair Factory by Erciyes Anadolu Holding started production

As one of the Erciyes Anadolu Holding companies under the authority of Savings Deposit Insurance Fund (SDIF), Bellona started operating a new production facility with an investment of 128 million TL. 600 people will be employed at the production facility, which is the first investment from scratch under the authority of SDIF.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the production facility, SDIF President Muhiddin Gülal said that they are trying to keep alive, develop and grow the companies that they consider to be the trust of the nation, and added: “Within this framework, we have established this facility in accordance with the demands and needs of the bed and chair market. Thanks to Bellona-6, we have empowered the production range of chair and bed for the Group.”

Stating that they have 600 stores in Turkey bringing 3 thousand direct employment, Bellona General Manager Mustafa Karamemiş said: “In the global arena, we represent the great efforts of our people in 5 continents and 40 countries. We continue our structuring and investments in Europe and United States.”

Savings Deposit Insurance Fund (SDIF) continues to grow the companies that they consider to be ‘the trust of the nation.’ Offering the companies that once provided financing to terrorism to the service of the nation now, SDIF established a production facility with an investment of 128 million TL. The production facility to operate under the auspices of Bellona, one of Erciyes Anadolu Holding companies, will employ 600 people.

Along with many invitees, Parliament Industry, Trade, Energy, Natural Resources, Information and Technology Commission President Mustafa Elitaş, AK Party Deputy Taner Yıldız, MHP Deputy Baki Ersoy, Kayseri Governor Şehmus Günaydın, Kayseri Metropolitan Mayor Memduh Büyükkılıç, AK Party Local Governments President - Vice President Mehmet Özhaseki, Kayseri Chamber of Industry President Mr. Mehmet Büyüksimitçi attended the opening ceremony of the new facility.

Established to empower the production of chairs and beds of Erciyes Anadolu Holding, Bellona-6 Production Facility went into operation with an investment of 128 million TL, including 82 million for building construction and 46 million for machinery - installation investment. Providing employment opportunity to 414 people today, the production facility will provide employment to a total of 600 people in June, when it will start working at full capacity. Established on a total area of 75 thousand square meters, including and outdoor area of 50 thousand square meters, the facility has an annual production capacity of 480 thousand beds and 420 thousand chairs. While Bellona-6 has reached a turnover of 20 million 500 thousand TL with its current production capacity, in June, when it will start working at full capacity, it will reach a monthly turnover of 40 million TL. The facility will produce with an innovative approach using the advanced technologies utilized by the furniture industry and also have one of the most ambitious R&D and innovation centers in the sector.

'Holding is stronger than it was yesterday’

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the facility, SDIF President Muhiddin Gülal explained that all tests of the Bellona-6 production facility were already performed. Noting that the facility has been actively working since October, Gülal said: “We are proud and happy to welcome you in a facility that is actively working. Today, indeed it is time to be pride for us as SDIF family. Because we have the peace, pride and happiness of fulfilling the duty given to us deservedly. Because I'm telling you, swollen with pride: This holding is stronger than it was yesterday. Furthermore, as we already said, we intensify the value while doing these jobs and increase the employment at serious rates, instead of laying off. Thus, the resources used in financing terrorism yesterday are now being offered to the service of our nation.”

Assets of companies transferred to SDIF increased by 60 percent

SDIF President Muhiddin Gülal pointed out that, as of today, SDIF has been working as a trustee in 797 companies in 38 provinces. Underlining that SDIF was appointed as a share trustee in 114 companies and as a trustee for the assets of 104 real persons, Gülal continued, “A total of 40 thousand 589 people are employed in these companies. At the end of 2020, the asset size of the companies under our authority is 70 billion TL and the equity capitals worth 29,5 billion TL. Since these companies were transferred to the SDIF, their asset size has increased by 64 percent and their equity capitals by 63 percent. On the other hand, at the end of 2020, the turnover of the companies amounted to 35 billion TL and the profit for the period amounted to 3,5 billion TL.”

Reminding that Erciyes Anadolu Holding is one of the 500 largest industrial enterprises in Turkey with 6 affiliated companies, Gülal continued with these sentences: “Managed under the trusteeship of SDIF since August 2016, Erciyes Anadolu Holding had a turnover of 9,8 billion TL in 2018, and 11,2 billion TL in 2019 with an increase of 15%. In addition, net profitability for the same period was 74 percent. In addition to such improvements, taking a powerful step into the energy sector in order to provide the electricity needed by all sectors, Erciyes Anadolu Holding is increasing its success in this field day by day with its investments. In this context, there are currently 12 power plants in total, 11 hydroelectric power plants (HPP) and 1 wind power plant (WPP). The turnover of the energy company in 2019 was 43,2 million USD.”

'We continue to invest in Europe and US’

Bellona General Manager Mustafa Karamemiş stated that Bellona has provided direct employment to 3 thousand and indirect employment to 15 thousand people. Underlining that they have achieved their annual growth targets of 20 percent in their 7-year growth projections between 2017 and 2023, Karamemiş said, “We will be working non-stop in order to achieve our targets until 2023. We offer service to our people with nearly 600 stores nationwide and 1,1 million square meters exhibition area. In the global arena, we represent the great efforts of our people in 5 continents and 40 countries. We continue our structuring and investments in Europe and United States. As a domestic brand, we are honored to serve our country and our people.”

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